Elegant Themes Flexible WordPress Responsive Portfolio Gallery Theme

Elegant Themes have some great gallery themes already, none of them have the crisp and simplistic design, Today they released the Flexible WordPress Responsive Portfolio Theme that will be used to showcase an artist’s work. Flexible WordPress theme is a sleek and minimal portfolio gallery theme from Elegant Themes, Flexible theme greats suitable for artists […]

WPZOOM CadabraPress Flexible WordPress Magaizne Theme

Here is a very flexible wordpress theme for you, allow you build magzine style websites for dailynews. The Flexible wordpress theme is CadabraPress. The lastest released wordpress magazine theme by wpzoom. Checkout Wpzoom CadabraPress WordPress magazine theme to demo and download. CadabraPress is a very flexible, and you can configure from WPZOOM Options Panel specific […]

StarFlex – SuperStar Flexible WordPress Theme

SuperStar Themes released new innovative,  user friendly and extremely flexible theme – StarFlex WordPress Theme , Which allows you to create many layout types: widths (fixed or fluid), different post displays which can be attached to specific pages or categories and a built-in color scheme creator that allows you to completely customize the theme and […]