Elegant Themes have some great gallery themes already, none of them have the crisp and simplistic design, Today they released the Flexible WordPress Responsive Portfolio Theme that will be used to showcase an artist’s work.
Flexible WordPress theme is a sleek and minimal portfolio gallery theme from Elegant Themes, Flexible theme greats suitable for artists to showcase their works, beacuse Flexible wp theme puts your work first, keeping the design elements to a minimum while still maintaining a definitive modern style. Elegant ThemesFlexible WordPress Theme has filterable, ajax-powered multi-media gallery, responsive design, unlimited color schemes, dozens of fonts, shortcode, ePanel theme options and much more.
Flexible WordPress theme Features:
- Full responsive design
- Sortable Ajax Gallery for its portfolio pages, supports video.
- Unlimited number of colors, dozens of fonts and background textures
- Opera compatible
- Netscape compatible
- Safari compatible
- Threaded Comments
- Optional Blog-style Structure
- Gravatar ready
- Firefox compatible
- IE8 + IE7 + IE6 compatible
- Widget ready sidebars
- Theme Options Page
- Custom thumbnail images
- PSD files
- Valid XHTML + CSS
- Smooth tabless design
- WordPress 3.3 compatible
- And much more…
Elegant Themes Club Price: $39
Download Elegant Themes Flexible WordPress Theme.