12 Ways To Create Traffic To You Site

when a blog site is ready! Then the frist thing is hou to Create Traffic , so I list some ways for you to Create Traffic To You Site .

1) Use keywords in Hyperlink and for your Filenames
Search engine like Google,Yahoo,AOL and etc send out a script to your site to collect information about your code,content and site popularity. Base on this information, it will determine your page rank for various keywords.When you are linking to an internal pages within your site, it’s a good idea to use the keywords that describe your page.

Keywords in Hyperlink example: “check this out at page #” can be rephrase to “refer to my article on getting traffic”. (note: keyword is getting traffic)

Keywords for your filenames example : “page1.html” can be rename to “getting- traffic.html”

2) Post your comment on related blog
People use the internet to search for information ,to get in touch and etc. The more interesting and value added your comment is , the more it will attract more visitors.

3)Register with blog network (Mybloglog, Technorati,BlogCatalog)
It’s important that you get your blog out there for others to see. These blog networks have vast members.You can invite them to your blog.
You need to create a profile about yourself and tag your blog (Tags are one or two words describing about your blog)

4)Register with several forums or message boards
You gain credibility by giving advice and finding solutions to problems other may have.Do a search to your topic and register.When registering, make a signature that is directly link to your blog so that every time you post it will appear This is one way to gain visibility.

5)Submit your articles
People should know about this to spread words.
Do a search on article submission.These sites will allow you to tag, bookmark, and submit articles that you think are interesting

6)Offer something free
Everbody loves free information
This can be in a form of free ebook on related topic,free samples,free reports,free advice and etc.

7)Publish reviews of product or services
People view you as a credible source and will definitely recommend them to their friends.

8)Register with RSS.
RSS stand for “Really Simple Syndicate”. It is a simplified version of your site. It contains the basic text and any images you display.

9)Create a unique logo,icon or screensaver
Visitors is able to remember better.

10)Participate in valuable link exchanges
It’s important to exchange links related to your website theme

11)Publish your earning
This is proof of your value contents.

12)Advertise in “Pay per click” search engine (note: this is not free)
Most popular are the Google and Yahoo search marketing pay per click service

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