WooThemes Chapters Premium WordPress Theme

Chapters premium wordpress theme from Woothemes, It is a niche theme, specifically designed to be used to preview, tease & sell a new book.

If you are finding a perfectly design to help sell your upcoming book, whilst allowing you to make some proper progress on writing the rest of it. The WooThemes Chapters theme will suitable to you! In addition to teasing the content, the rest of the design also features enough space for a few pre-order banner ads to get those sales rolling in (which is a great way to keep you motivated through the writing process. Chapters WordPress Theme will perform best when used to do just that: sell your book.

WooThemes Chapters Premium WordPress Theme


Demo | Download

Don’t have a book to sell? WooThemes Chapters theme is still perfectly geared to help publish blog content in a non-traditional, yet hugely usable manner.For those of you who want to publish your wp blog posts and have them displayed with more of a book/case study layout, bundled with a table of content menu system.

MOre the WooThemes Chapters theme has:

  • Unique Book Layout – The unique design of Chapters makes reading a blog post feel like you are reading a chapter in a book.
  • Post Index – The theme provides a nice dropdown which provides an index over your blog posts/chapters.
  • Post Bookmark – The top post/chapter list provides easy overview of the number of chapters and also a visual bookmark of the current post.
  • Post Navigation – Navigating between blog posts/chapters is easy with the navigation.
  • Custom Typography – You can customize the general typography, and there is full support for Google Fonts in the font selector.
  • Custom Widgets – The theme has 4 widgetized areas in the footer, and 2 widgetized sidebar, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, WooTabs, Search, Flickr and Twitter).
  • Alternative Styles – The theme includes 10 alternative color styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for background color/image and setting link color.
  • Sidebar ManagerNEW! Sidebar Manager allows you to replace all widgetized sidebars and footers in our themes with unique custom sidebar.
  • Custom ShortcodesNEW! All our themes include Custom Shortcodes that allow you to easily add buttons, boxes, social buttons, columns and more to your posts, pages and widgets.
  • Built-in SEO options All our themes now include SEO options to help propel your site’s search engine ranking.
  • Release date: 11/22/10
  • Theme Type: Business, Personal Blog
  • Requirements: WP 3.0+, PHP 5
  • Supported Third Party Plugins : Gravity Forms and Scribe SEO


WooThemes Chapters Theme: $70
WOOThemes Club Membership: $200

Checkout chapters wordpress theme start sell your book!

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