Tokokoo – Musikoo Theme Review
Musikoo WordPress theme is a premium Music theme support of WooCommerce plugin from Tokokoo, Musikoo theme is a colorful WooCommerce theme specially designed for musicians and bands official website with unique thumbnail resembles a compact disk. And Musikoo WordPress theme help you selling your awesome musical works through the website is easier than before.
Building a band official website is one of the basic ways to start. Please meet Musikoo WordPress theme for bands and musicians. It comes with the possibility to be customized by setting your own background image and sliding images on the top slider. From the ability to sell the musical works and merchandise through the website, view the performance video, until integration with Facebook fan page.
Musikoo WordPress Ecommerce Music Theme Features:
- WooCommerce Powered
- Responsive Design
- 12 Tokokoo drag-and-drop custom widgets ready
- Portfolio page with 2 layout options
- Single product page with audio preview
- Support various post formats
- Multilanguage Support
- Facebook Integration
- Theme Settings
- Easy menu management
Musikoo WP Theme Single $39
Musikoo WP Theme Developer $79
Demo | Download Musikoo WordPress Ecommerce Music Theme