Rethink wp theme is a premium Product Review / Affiliate WordPress Theme from InkThemes, Rethink theme turns Your wordpress site Into A Review Site. Helps you to review products with your affiliate id and make more sale in your pocket especially for affiliate marketers. InkThemes ReThink WordPress Theme is Easy Installation, Completely Newbie Friendly, product star rating system, showcase product video, insert multiple product images and opt-in form, theme option panel and more.

ReThink WordPress Theme Features:
- Marketing friendly product centric homepage design
- Featured product image slider to highlight your featured products
- Custom pages for extra content display
- Affiliate friendly custom field to put your affiliate ID
- Custom coded widgets for sidebar and footer
- Star rating system with multiple rating features
- Insert multiple product images
- Opt-in form integrated for lead generation
- Stylish image gallery page
- Allows you to insert product video
- Product search bar for easy content finding
- Up to 4 column widget space in footer
- Social media profile integration with icons
- Extremely easy user interface and admin panel.
- Embed your YouTube, Vimeo Video directly on your home page.
- Footer area supports widgets
- Background Images Bonus
- Access to Members Area
- Compatible with all Major Browsers
ReThink Theme Standard $45
InkThemes Membership (Full Access) $125
Demo | Download InkThemes ReThink WordPress Theme
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