Elegant Themes eList WordPress Directory Listing Theme

Building a local real estate listings directory, where agents pay to list their properties for locals to see. Very simply, be an online directory of business or websites that you using the eList WordPress Directory Listing Theme.

eList is a unique premium WordPress Directory Listing Theme from Elegant Themes, Elist theme is a “directory” theme, Also elist is a “Listing” Theme, meaning simply that it can be used to store a database of user-generated listings. eList wordpress theme could easily be used as a local job board, where business pay to list their available positions in a relevant category, or where residents pay to place their resumes.

Elegant Themes eList WordPress Directory Listing Theme


Elegant Themes eList WordPress Theme creates a front-end submission form that your visitors can use to submit their own listings. This form can be customized from within wp-admin to include whatever fields you like. You can then choose to charge your visitors to submit their listings, or allow them to post for free. MORE….

eList WordPress Theme Features:

  • Classic Directory Structure – eList theme includes the classic directory structure, your homepage is based off categories rather than recent listings. Each category is displayed, along with a description, post count and thumbnail image.
  • Unlimited ColorSchemes – eList theme includes our CSS control panel, allowing you to adjust the background and font color of your theme. This allows for unlimited possibilities when comes to color combinations, and also includes various background textures.
  • eCommerce Integration – eList theme allows you to place your listings behind a pay-wall. You can charge a fixed rate for each listing, as well as an additional fee to have the listing “featured” on the homepage and relevant categories. All payments are handled via PayPal, and the theme uses IPN to automatically verify listings once they have been paid for. If a listing is not paid for, then it will remain a draft in the system and will not be published.
  • Custom Drag-and-Drop Form Builder – The eList listings submission form can be completely customized to fit the purpose of your website.
  • Front-end Listing Submissions – eList theme has its own front-end login and submission page, allowing your visitors to publish new listings without ever having to log in to the WordPress Dashboard. This creates a seamless experience for your customers.
  • Featured Listings – You have the option of allowing your visitors to pay additional fees to be “Featured.” Their listing is rotated on the homepage and category Featured Slider for a limited amount of time. You can change how long listings stay “Featured” from within ePanel.
  • Opera compatible
  • Netscape compatible
  • Safari compatible
  • WordPress 3.0 compatible
  • Threaded Comments
  • Optional Blog-style Structure
  • Gravatar ready
  • Firefox compatible
  • IE8 + IE7 + IE6 compatible
  • Advertisement Ready
  • Widget ready sidebars
  • Theme Options Page
  • Custom thumbnail images
  • PSD files
  • Valid XHTML + CSS
  • Smooth tabless design

Elegant Themes Club Price: $39

Download Elegant Themes eList WordPress Theme

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