JobRoller Coupon Code: JobRoller Discount Code

JobRoller Coupon Code : JobRoller Discount CodeWant to download JobRoller theme for your job list website, why not save with JobRoller Coupon Code now, You can Luckly here get 40% discount on appthemes Jobroller theme with latest JobRoller Discount Code. … (Click Here to Visit Jobroller theme).

Job Roller is a quite different type of premium theme convert your WordPress into a job listing website and you can make money by selling job listing area in your WordPress website. JobRoller theme is a user friendly WP theme and you can start selling job listing after a few minutes of installation. You can use the JobRoller create professional, flexible and feature packed wordpress website, Feel free use JobRoller Coupon code to save your money!

Special JobRoller Coupon Code 2018

New JobRoller Coupon Code to 40% OFF JobRoller WordPress Theme.

Use “JobRoller Discount Code” to quickly get discount on JobRoller wordpress theme. We’ll update this post whenever new “JobRoller Coupon Code” exit,so here is latest valid JobRoller Coupon 2018.

How to get JobRoller Coupon code and save?

Go to JobRoller theme download page Click here or simply click on JobRoller Discount Coupons to automaticly open the JobRoller theme download page.

View Jobroller Coupon Code, Click Here Active the Jobroller Discount Code:

Discount : Save 40% OFF Jobroller Theme Download.The “Not so Silent Night” Special appthemes coupon promo code for all appthemes wordpress theme (ClassiPress, JobRoller, Vantage, Clipper, Sage) download purchases!

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—— JobRoller WordPress Theme Reveiw ———

JobRoller is a premium WordPress Job Listing Theme comes from AppThemes. JobRoller WordPress theme to build a full-featured job listing website online, selling job listing space, and accepting new resumes within minutes., complete with distance search, categories, job type filters and payment handling.

JobRoller includes separate portals & tools for both job seekers and employers – everything you need to quickly deploy and establish your own online recruitment business!

Cus­tom Post Types & Job List­ings Management
Job Roller makes use of the new cus­tom post types and tax­onomies to keep all your job list­ing posts sep­a­rate from your blog in order to pro­vide you with a ded­i­cated job list­ing man­age­ment sec­tion – this makes it eas­ier for you to track all your site’s listings.

Cus­tomer Job Management
Your cus­tomers will get their own per­son­al­ized dash­board where they can eas­ily view and re-list their jobs once they have expired.

Fea­tured Jobs
You can give your cus­tomers the option to have their job list­ings posted as “fea­tured” so it will be promi­nently shown at the top of the home­page with a high­lighted back­goud.

Job Sub­mis­sion Wizard
This Job Listing theme comes with a 3 step job sub­mis­sion wiz­ard which will allow your visitors/customers to eas­ily add and pay for new job post­ings on your website.

Built-in Pay­pal Pay­ment Gateway
With the job roller them you won’t need any exter­nal plu­g­ins since every­thing runs right out-of-the-box with all built in fea­tures. Included is a built-in pay­ment gate­way so you can start col­lect­ing pay­ments for new job list­ings almost imme­di­ately.

For more JobRoller theme and JobRoller Coupon Code information, Visit JobRoller theme website page