Use E-Junkie Shopping Cart & Templatic eBook Theme To Build Books Store

Today, I write a  E-junkie Tutorial, How to use E-Junkie Shopping Cart add a Templatic eBook Theme to build online book store, Sale your ebooks easily! If you like you can use Use E-Junkie Shopping Cart setup your book store now!

Here is the E-Junkie Tutorial tell you how to set the E-Junkie Shopping Cart and how to use the templatic eBook wordpress theme.

Want to build a wordpress website to sale ebooks, You can choose a ecommerce store wordpress theme or others. Here I recommended you looking for the ebook wordpress theme, a Templatic eBook Theme, Create a quick, professional website for your book within minutes in WordPress, Leverage the power of Internet and get more sales.

WordPress EBook Theme

Aften you set up your book store with the Templatic eBook Theme, lets learn how to integrate the E-Junkie.

Step 1: Getting the buy now link from E-junkie:

  • Now select the product from the drop down menu for which you wish to get the “Buy Now” link. Then, click on “Get Button Code.”

On the next screen, click on “Buy Now Buttons.” Copy the link which starts from “https” till it ends.

Step 2: Logging in to WordPress Backend and pasting the link in the Action Button:

  • Now login to your WordPress Admin and click on “eBook Theme Options” from Appearance group.
  • On the “Front Page Settings” expand the “Action Button1“, in the “Enter name for Action Button1” enter the name for the button as per your wish, we have used “Buy Now” in the example below
  • In the “Enter full URL link where action Button1 points to” paste the “Buy Now” link which you got from E-Junkie. And don’t forget to click on “Save Changes“.


Its done. You’ve successfully linked the Action button to E-Junkie’s “Buy Now” link. Now let’s take a look at the website.  As soon as someone clicks on the Buy Now button, he’ll be sent to E-Junkie and be able to complete the payment procedure. You Full Ebook Store is OK! Start promo and sale your books or other products.

Let’s register E-Junkie, Here is a Use E-Junkie Shopping Cart Review, Read it, you can get more information about the E-Junkie and you will luckly get an E-Junkie Promotion Code to save money. More e-junkie coupon code click here!