DeZine is a customisable blog premium WordPress magazine theme from ThemeShift, DeZine Theme comes with a lot of handy features and functions that make DeZine Theme easy to setup and manage your first-class blog content.
DeZine Theme Features
- Theme options page
- Featured content slider on home page
- Featured category on home page (optional)
- 1-column or 2-column layout for home page and archive pages (separately)
- 2 Superfish dropdown menus for categories and pages
- Customizable header & footer background
- Customizable colour scheme
- Widget areas: sidebar & footer
- Nested widget area: sidebar (general), sidebar home, sidebar category, sidebar post, sidebar page
- Custom widgets: about, recent posts, recent comments, Twitter badge, Flickr badge, sidebar ads
- Author information under posts
- Threaded comments
- Javascript comment and search form validation
- Page templates: full width (no sidebar), archives, bookmarks, authors (list)
- Built-in jQuery lightbox plugin prettyPhoto
- Post / page settings
DeZine Theme Price: €39
Download ThemeShift DeZine WordPress Theme
ThemeShift Discount Code For DeZine WordPress Theme
New Updated ThemeShift discount code : ts-celebrate5 for you to checkout and download ThemeShift DeZine theme, you will get discount on DeZine wordpress theme download.