Travel Theme By Templatic Review
Travel WordPress theme is a travel deals wordpress theme allow local hotels and travelling agencies to offer their services on your site. Travel theme from templatic is a child theme of Directory Theme, Transform Directory into a trip review site, for showcasing trips and deals from your own company.

Allowing Travel to be more focused on this particular niche are multiple custom fields created specifically for this Travel Deals WordPress theme. They’ve been grouped under a new header called “Travel Information”. Installing the Travel child theme will load the following custom fields:
- Deal Type
- Destination
- Agency
- Number of days
- Transport type
- Departure dates
Compared to the parent Directory theme, Travel WordPress theme comes with a significantly redesigned detail and category pages. Detail pages in Travel display a much greater focus on images since that is often the first thing many of us open when planning a vacation. The detail page also features a new tab (Travel Info) as mentioned earlier.
Category pages in Travel come with a focus on travel information instead of the general listing description. Each listing on the page has also been placed into a subtle frame; one that is slightly highlighted of mouse hover. All this makes browsing category pages a lot more enjoyable.
A powerful travel deals WordPress theme
After installing the Travel child theme you’ll have two options: installing the regular Directory sample data or installing new, Travel-specific sample listings and custom fields. If you choose the second option expect to see content appropriate for that particular niche. It will mostly consist out of deals for trips to various locations around the world. Loading the sample data will show you how to get the most out of Travel and in turn allow you to get started with your own listings much faster.
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