7 Great Free Anti-virus Software for Windows

We have installed anti-virus software is one of the must-have software, but many well-known anti-virus software is commercial software, we can at most have access to the legal limit access, such as Kaspersky, NOD32, Norton, McAfee and so on. Of course, at home we can simply access to the free use of the above-mentioned anti-virus software serial number activation code, and so on, but in fact there are many free anti-virus software has the same powerful ability of the virus, do not use them than the number of poor, the majority of Only to simplify a number of extensions. So, for ordinary users, the following 7 free anti-virus software are almost enough.

1. Avast! Home Edition: Avast! is a fully featured anti-virus software which is free for use for home users and non commercial users. Avast has simple user interface and good features, with skin support. It has automatic updates which keeps the database updated about the latest virus information. It supports all Windows versions including Vista.


2. AVG Free Edition: AVG free edition is another good solution to free anti-virus software. AVG is easy to use and low on system resources. It features automatic update functionality and real-time protection as files are opened and programs are run. AVG also has a Virus Vault for the safe handling of infected files.

3. Avira AntiVir: Avira AntiVir is another free anti-virus software for Windows. The free version protects against viruses, worms and Trojans, expensive dialers and phishing. AntiVir also provides free support.

4. ClamWin: ClamWin is a Free Anti-virus for Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP and 2003. ClamWin has high detection rates for viruses and spyware. It has automatic downloads of regularly updated Virus Database. It also features a addin to Microsoft Outlook to remove virus-infected attachments automatically.


5. Comodo Anti-Virus: Comodo eliminates Viruses, Worms and Trojans from desktops and networks. It has a Host Intrusion Detection which blocks malware before it can run. It has daily, automatic updates of virus definitions and its simple and easy to use.


6. PC Tools Anti-Virus: With PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition you are protected against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal information. PC Tools AV is supported on Windows XP, Vista and 2000. It detects, quarantines, disinfects and destroys Viruses, Trojans and Worms. 

7. ThreatFire: ThreatFire includes advanced protection features including malware, quarantine and removal, rootkit scanner and custom rules settings. ThreatFire is different, it does not rely on signatures, but instead constantly analyzes your computer’s behavior to detect and block any malicious activity.


In addition to these completely free anti-virus software, there will be many activities during the release of the long serial number to activate or documents. In fact, we have a lot of opportunities away from the anti-piracy software, users in China has been the myth of Kaspersky is not the best choice.

Read more about Antivirus Softwares Ranking:

2009 AntiVirus Software Product Ranking & Review   /

2010 AntiVirus Software Ranking & Review

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