These themes are great for building niche blogs as they are also easy to customize and they are much better than the old ones. Only compatible with WordPress versions 2.3 and newer, with a Web2.0 look and pure CSS layout, fast-loading, SE0 layout, available in 4 different layouts and color schemes.
If you like, you can see live demos of our SEO themes on our WordPress blog. Simply use the themes switcher in the upper right corner to view our blog in different styles.
Theme Name: 2C Right SEO

2C Right SEO
Description: 2 Columns, with the sidebar being aligned to the right side.
Layout is mostly done with CSS, but in order to make the theme more flexible AND “break-proof”, the two columns of the main content are inside a simple HTML table.
Download Links:
2cright-seo.ZIP 2cright-seo.TAR
Theme Name: 2C Left SEO

2C Left SEO
Description: 2 Columns, with the sidebar being aligned to the left side. Layout uses a style trick with HTML tables to move the main content above the sidebar (inside the HTML source code).
Download Links: 2cleft-seo.ZIP 2cleft-seo.TAR
Theme Name: 3C SEO

Description: The most popular theme with 3 columns (2 sidebars). Search Form and Calendar in the right sidebar and the other categories and links in the left sidebar (can be easily changed, of course). The 2 sidebars of this theme give you much more place for links and advertisements than the 2 column themes.
Download Links: 3c-seo.ZIP 3c-seo.TAR
You can edit all the template files with WordPress´ built-in theme editor. You will find a lot of comments inside these files, especially inside the stylesheet, the header and the sidebar templates, so it will be easy for you to find the places that you want to edit, provided that you have some basic knowledge in HTML.