UBD Moneymaker Theme-Free Premium Theme

It’s a good news. The UBD Moneymaker Theme is now available to download – for free! The theme was designed by Phillip van Coller in conjunction with UBD. The UBD Moneymaker WordPress Theme is not just any ordinary theme – it has special functionality that you tend to only see in premium WordPress themes.

The UBD team also integrated their own/new plugin, the UBD Block Ad Pluginto help you manage and automatically rotate your 125×125 banner ads without editing any code at all.

Not comfortable editing your theme’s source code Fear not!

The theme also features a built-in “Theme Options” panel which allows you to integrate Feedburner, MyBlogLog Recent Readers, and the 468×60 in post banner ad. You can edit all of this stuff without ever touching a single line of code!  8)

Here is a preview of the Theme Options panel:

UBD Moneymaker WordPress Theme Options Panel

A Theme Options panel makes theme enhancement much easier for people not comfortable editing source code. We are happy to announce that all future UBD Designs and WordPress Themes will feature the Theme Options panel for maximum ease of use.

Theme Preview

UBD Moneymaker Theme Features&Benefits.

  • Fully Widget Compatible (drag and drop your preferred selection of sidebar elements)
  • Built-in UBD Block Ad Plugin (manage and automatically rotate your 125×125 banner ads)
  • Additional ad management for the in-post 468×60 advertising banner
  • Theme Options panel allows you to integrate Feedburner and MyBlogLog recent readers code – all without touching a single line of source code
  • Built-in social bookmarking functionality
  • Search Engine Optimized and cross-browser compatible
  • WordPress 2.5.1 compatible
  • FREE to use on as many sites as you would like!

Usage Agrement: 

This theme is free to download and use on as many sites as you would like. That being said, if you like it and use it . Make sure left the credits in the footer! :)


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