Theme Trust are pleased to announce the release of Ink WordPress theme, And you can buy the Ink theme with using the ThemeTrust coupon code and to get another theme free. Ink wp theme is a clean and elegant portfolio theme for wordpress, Ink WordPress Theme can be used for small or large size companies to showcase their portfolio work online for clients/customers. But it can be customized and used according to your desire, even regular blog + portfolio also would be fine this Ink Theme.

Theme Trust Ink WordPress portfolio theme allows you set full screen background images to easily give each project, post, or projects. And the ink theme comes with a responsive layout design, portfolio project posts, pre-built page templates, drag-n-drop widgets, theme admin penal and much more.
Ink WordPress Theme Features:
- Responsive Layout
- Set Your Own Colors
- Set Custom Background Image for Individual Pages
- Filterable Portfolio Template
- Google Web Font Integration
- TouchSwipe Slideshow Shortcode
- Custom Background
- Custom Options Panel
- Custom Post Type for Easy Portfolio Management
- Widget Ready Sidebar
- Archive Page Template
- WordPress Custom Menus
- Post Thumbnails
- Upload a Custom Logo
- Upload a Favicon
- Threaded Comments
- Twitter Integration
- Flickr Integration
- Button Shortcodes
- Column Shortcodes
Price: $49
Demo | Download Theme Trust Ink WordPress Theme
Buy Ink responsive portfolio wordpress theme get the ThemeTrust Coupon Code to save money, Now ThemeTrust Promoation: Buy 1, Get 1 FREE. Enter the Theme Trust Discount Code: 1free At checkout Ink WP Theme and to get both themes for the price of one.