Organic Music Theme is a responsive premium music WordPress theme for bands and musicians from Organic Themes, Music Theme allows you play your music,Sell your music,Sell your merchandise,List tour dates,Create a discography and much more. The Organic Themes Music WordPress Theme features an abundance of customization options, HTML5 audio player, a custom tour dates widget, Several page templates are included for multiple layouts, displaying slideshows, discography, tour dates and more.

Organic Music WordPress Theme Features:
- Responsive design for mobile support
- Featured image slider to news album or concert
- Widget to display tour dates with ticket availability and more details
- Optional WooCommerce Plugin integration
- Fully customization for color, textures or images
- Various page templates with different layout settings
- Discography section with 3 column structure
- Custom post type for better content manipulation
- HTML5 audio player with playlist
- Custom typography settings using Google Font support
- Special page templates for discography and your dates
- Collection of widgets to place on sidebar and footer area
- HTML3 & CSS3 coding style
- 3 Column Category Template provided
- Social media integrated with icons
- Customizable background, header and navigation menu
- Auto image thumbnails for featured videos and image
- Various useful templates available
- Slideshow Page Template
- Numbered Pagination
- Widget Ready
- Photoshop Design File
- Gravity Form Styling
Organic Music Theme : $69
Organic WordPress Themes package: $249
Download Organic Themes Music WordPress Theme