ELOGIX is an ultra premium responsive business portfolio WordPress Theme by Minti sold on ThemeForest, Elogix theme suits for you to build your Portfolio, Creative, Blog or Business Website easily, ThemeForest Elogix theme has a fully responsive layout, lightbox integration, social media icons, overlay effects, styled galeries – tables and form elements, custom templates, contact form included, set fullscreen backgrounds and more.

ELOGIX WordPress Theme Features:
- Fully Responsive WordPress Theme
- Great SEO base already built-in
- Theme-Options Manager (unbranded!)
- Easily Customizable Design
- Ready for translation (.po / .mo files included)
- Custom Backgrounds on every Page
- Multiple Sidebars for each page/category possible
- Tons of Shortcodes – even Pricing Tables and Slideshows
- Unlimited Filterable Portfolio (you can enable or disable lightbox for every item)
- Video, responsive Sliding Gallery, Image Portfolio Items
- Multilevel Navigation
- Notification Bar with Cookies
- Gorgeous jQuery Enhancements
- Built-in Custom Widgets
- Social Media Icons: Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Dribbble, Google+
- Automatic Image Resizing
- All the basics: CSS3 that works in old browsers,
- Extensive Documentation
- Aftersales Support
Price: $45
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