Momentum is a vibrant premium wordpress personal blog theme from Colorlabs, Momentum theme designed for personal blog and journal. Provide a fun and pleasurable atmosphere for personal musings and ramblings. With clear and concise navigation, colorful selection of styles, Put a fresh spin on your blog and set yourself from other blogs. The Colorlabs Momentum WordPress Theme is including a responsive layout, spinning thumbnail posts, gallery, advanced search and more.

Momentum WordPress Theme Features:
- Clean and simple homepage layout
- Circular post thumbnail with special effect
- Advanced search option for post or page
- 4 different color schemes ( default, pink, dark, blue )
- Fabulous gallery with smooth effect detail preview
- Automatic thumbnail image resizer
- Custom style
- Responsive layout with customization
- WordPress threaded comment support
- Cross browser compatibility
- Comprehensive SEO management system
- Compatible up to WordPress 3.3.1
- Theme administration panel
- Easy framework update
Momentum Theme Standard : $49
Momentum Theme Developer : $99
Download Colorlabs Momentum WordPress Theme
Want to use Colorlabs Momentum WordPress Theme to build a responsive wordpress personal blog and journal? Feel free use Color labs Coupon Code : LEG30OFF Save discount off of ColorLabs Themes or Momentum WordPress Theme download.