Tailor is a multi-use premium Joomla business Template built on the Wright Framework from Joomlashack, Tailor Template designed with a wide variety of businesses in mind. JoomlaShack Tailor Template comes with 6 colorful and elegant styles that are both light and dark themed. Whether your next site calls for pin-striped or a jeans and t-shirt style, JoomlaShack Tailor Joomla Template can be easily modified and altered to fit your needs.
Tailor Joomla Template Features
- 6 Template themes.
- 11 collapsible module positions
- Elegant typography
- One Zip file for 1.5/1.6/1.7
- Progressive enhancements
- Custom module chrome
Price: $53
Demo | Donwload JoomlaShack Tailor Joomla Template
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