Classified ads, one of the most popular forms of advertising in the world. Want to build a Classified ads style websites with Classified ads WordPress Theme? Use ClassiPress Theme or Classifieds Theme is great choice. And now you can try the new WordPress Classified ads Theme – Directory WordPress Theme. A Smart classified ads directory theme.

Directory WordPress Theme is a Directory style wordpress Classified ads Theme from Colorlabs. Directory theme will give you the chance to create a nice well rounded Classified Ads style website. With ColorLabs Directory theme you can make everyone adding new posts without having to log into the WordPress dashboard. You can set on theme option, visitor can publish the post after submit the post from the front-end or make the post status to be moderate first, so you can review it before post is published.
Directory WordPress Theme Features:
- Submit Post From Frontend – User can post ads easily from frontend without going to dashboard and without registering. Your ad post will immediately appear in your frontend.
- Search Ads by Category – User can easily search ads they want. Gadget, automotive or electronics, all ads are neatly organized. The number beside category link show how much ads in that category.
- Publish Ad with Detail – The ad submission form is very detail, user can enter ad category, price, expired date, phone and location. User can easily contact the ads author by clicking the contact button on the ads detail page.
- Google Maps integration – Directory theme supports Google map features for your ads. Write your ads address and have Google maps automatically do the rest to show you the exact location of your ads.
- Ads Featured Slider – Show your featured ads with a slider. Also, the slider will show the ads title. You can choose which ads that will be show up in the slider just by category.
- Automatic thumbnail resizer
- Theme administration panel
- WordPress threaded comments
- Cross-browser compatibilit
- Release date – 28 Nov 2011
Directory Theme Standard Pack: $49
Directory Theme Developer Pack: $99
Download Colorlabs Directory WordPress Theme
Want to use Colorlabs Directory WordPress Theme to build your Classified ads websites? Feel free use Colorlabs Project Coupon Code: LEG30OFF Save 30% discount off of ColorLabs Project Theme or Directory Classified ads WordPress Theme download.