8Bit Dev WordPress Theme For Developers, Engineers, & Programmers

If a theme could have glasses and a pocket protector, this one would. It’s built for programmers who want to show off their code in a simple, clear format. Look at the premium developer wordpress theme.

Developer Theme is a sophisticated and elegant premium WordPress theme by 8Bit wordpress themes. Developer premium WordPress Theme – a WordPress Theme that has been crafted by For Developers, Engineers, & Programmers.

8Bit Developer WordPress Theme

Dev Theme

8Bit Developer WordPress Theme takes syntax highlighting to a whole new level, by supporting over 100 languages and 8 different color schemes. Speaking of color schemes, Developer Theme ships with 5 different layout configurations, which will keep your code looking beautiful and unique.

Developer Theme Features:

  • Optimizes your media and image sizes to they fit tightly within the context of each post
  • Integrated social icons for your favorite developer-centric sites.
  • Built-in Stack Overflow widget for showing off your reputation
  • An option to display the “Fork Me on GitHub” ribbon for sharing your source code
  • Support for tons of programming languages, syntax highlighting, and a built-in code editor
  • Developer-centric social options.
  • Support for infinite scrolling.
  • Social icon tooltips.
  • Automatic optimize of clean URL’s, video embed size, image embed size, and sizing of the post editor for easily including source code.
  • Admin panel setup for a great user experience in both WordPress 3.1.X and WordPress 3.2.


Developer Theme Standard: $49
Developer Theme Developer: $99

Demo | Download 8Bit Developer Theme WordPress Theme

Special Developer Theme Coupon Code

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