Social Eyes 1.0 child theme, A premium WordPress Social Media Theme releaed by StudioPress, Social Eyes Theme is an elegant and easy way to assemble a stunning home for all of your Social Media work, and to expand it with your own unique take on what’s going on. Use StudioPress Social Eyes Child Theme create Your Social Media Empire to meet people easily!

Social Eyes
If you are want to meet people where they are. On Facebook or Over at Twitter, You must download the Social Eyes wordpress theme, Note the child theme is works on StudioPress Genesis Framework. Download the Genesis Framework and any other StudioPress child theme previously, you can simply purchase the StudioPress Social Eyes Social Media Theme, otherwise you need the Social Eyes + Genesis Theme package.
Social Eyes Theme Features
- Also Genesis Theme Framework Features
- WordPress Post Thumbnails” on the homepage
- Gallery Style Layout, 6 layout options
- Professionally SEO optimized
- Feature articles section
- Easy to Use Theme Options Pages
- Fully Widgeted Sidebars
- Custom Hooks (40+) – a hook is a piece of code written into the theme that allows you to attach additional content to the theme itself
- Custom Widgets (MyTweets, User Profile, eNews & Updates, Featured Posts, Featured Pages)
- Dynamic Text / Image Logo option
- Post and Page Tracking/Conversion Code box
- Breadcrumb navigation
- Developed for Localization
Social Eyes child theme Package : $24.95
Social Eyes + Genesis Theme Package: $79.95
StuidoPress Pro Plus Package $249.95
Demo / Download StudioPress Social Eyes Child Theme
If you have already purchased the StuidoPress Pro Plus Package, Genesis Framework and any other StuidoPress child theme previously, you can simply purchase the child package by itself, otherwise you need the Social Eyes child theme + Genesis Theme package.
Buy and download StudioPress Social Eyes theme with StudioPress Discount Code : NO COUPON NOW You can Get 25% off of StudioPress Premium WordPress Themes.