Are you finding a Showcase WordPress Theme for you jobs or designs, If you are a Artists, find photo showcase wordpress theme, look at the Polaroid Theme, It is a grid based WordPress 3.0 theme. Polaroid theme has the option to link your photos or content directly to external websites straight from your homepage and categories, allowing you to create a showcase web site and a powerful promotions tool.
Polaroid Theme features:
- WordPress 3.0 theme.
- Link post images and titles directly to an external link (opens in new window).
- Menu Builder.
- Featured Image system takes care of all your image resizing automatically.
- Posts screen image thumbnails for easy post selection / editing.
- Designed to be iPhone and Android friendly for easy viewing.
- RSS header image theme option.
- Dynamic copyright date and title.
- 3 Widget ready areas.
- Large featured image area in edit post screen for easy editing.
- SEO optimized.
- Many more features.
Price: $45
Demo | Download Polaroid wordpress theme