Agents and Realtors that want to build a website around the WordPress platform Compatible with all markets and countries with theme localization, translation and internationalization. Looking a professional Real Estate WordPress theme?
The Open House is fully compatible with WordPress 3.0+ and a highly customizable Real Estate WordPress theme with Google Maps Integration, English, Spanish and Portuguese language and more features for real estate marketing. Demo the Gorilla Themes OpenHouse V3 Real Estate WordPress theme bellow!
OpenHouse V3 Theme Features:
- WordPress 3.0+ Compatible
- 8 Color Styles
- Google Maps Integration
- Compatible with all markets
- Single or Multiple Agents
- Individual Agents page with listings and bio
- Carousel Property Slider
- Dynamic Menu
- Add your own logo or background
- Unlimited dropdowns for category search
- Contact agent from property page
- Easy Listings Management (Custom Script)
- Widget Ready
- Photo Gallery
- Agent Photo Uploader
- IE, Firefox and Safari compatible
- Unlimited Forum Support
- Extensive manual and tutorial included
- Advertisement Banner Management
- Ad your Adsense or Image Link Code
- Turn all-or-individual banners on/off
- Image Auto Resizer (for thumbnails)
- Gravatar Support
- Financing Calculator
- Threaded comments
- Logo PSD and Font included *
- Demo-Content.xml file included *
- English, Spanish and Portuguese languages *
Price: Basic $79.95 | Developer $139.95
Demo | Download OpenHouse V3 WordPress theme