WooThemes Delegate theme is a shiny and feature-packed premium business drupal theme, features a custom homepage, custom Drupal Node Types, many colour schemes and more, woothemes Delegate Drupal Theme will most definitely make the impact you need from it!

Delegate Drupal Theme
Delegate Drupal Theme Features:
- A custom home page featured area to showcase your work or products, with optional sub-featured area to give them more insight.
- Custom homepage designed to emphasise your most important information, with the option to display a traditional blog instead.
- Custom Woo Widgets for use in the sidebar and in the widgetized footer: Search widget, Ad space widget, Flickr widget.
- 19 delicious colour schemes to choose from!
- Drupal Node Types– custom Node Types that you can use to post content to your Drupal website in a matter of seconds.
- Custom blocks – With our custom module, you can have Twitter, Flickr, Ads, or even a Newsletter added to a region only with a few clicks.
- Easy to read mark-up – Moved all the advanced coding to admin files, leaving the main templates clean, with easy to understand variables.
- Release date: MAY10, 2010
- Theme Type: Business, Drupal Theme
Price :
Woothemes Delegate Theme Standard $80
Woothemes Delegate Theme Developer $160
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