Themeforest Openhouse wordpress theme. Real estate premium theme, every purerful and flexible Search, includes an extremely powerful Loan calculator, unlimited color scheme, and theme option. Simply supply a color, and the whole site changes, including all gradients and effects.

OpenHouse Wordpress Theme Features
- Unlimited color schemes. Just choose any color and you’re done! Gradients change also.
- Powerful home Search (no plugin needed)
- 27 individual slideshow transitions
- Video support
- Google Maps support for each listing
- Contact form on each listing page
- Loan Calculator
- NO CUSTOM FIELDS !! (They are used silently in the background, but you don’t need to work with them)
- Upload 1 image and theme repurposes it at various smaller sizes throughout site.
- Comprehensive Theme Options page. Practically everything customizable
- Cufon font styling
- CSS3 Progressive Enhancement
- Jquery enhanced interface
- Special typographic effects (see the sample posts and pages in the demo)
- Multi-column text (2, 3, 4 columns in any config)
- Toggle boxes (expand/contract)
- Drop Caps
- Text highlighting
- Link buttons (adapt to color skin)
- Back to Top links (with animated scrolling to top)
- Divider Lines
- Widget Enabled
- 6 Custom ‘Page Templates’
- Hide or show just about any element in the site
- Customize the wording of any header or element.
- PSD files included
- Extensive HTML documentation (live and always up to date). Read the docs now by clicking the Documentation menu in the demo.
- Support Forum to get your questions answered quickly, usually within minutes (U.S. Eastern time, 9am-5pm). Support still given from 5pm til midnight.
Price: $32
Demo | Download OpenHouse WordPress Theme