Gemini is a carefully thought-out magazine theme byTheme Galaxy , On the homepage, you have a gorgeous AJAX article rotator powered by the beautiful images that you upload. You also have a random article being displayed, as well as links to all of your categories within just one click. Next, there’s a sexy AJAX slider to keep your popular posts, comments, tags, and RSS feeds organized, plus the the ability to run your own asides blog, and to post videos from around the web. Within the single posts, you’ll find social bookmarks, “About the Author” sections, and further navigation around your magazine.
- 3 colour schemes
- AJAX featured article section
- Drop down navigation menu
- Integrated social bookmarks and social voting options
- Sideblog on homepage
- Featured video section
- Widget ready
- Semantic and up to date xhtml and css
- Support documents and forum
- Custom modifications available on request
Price: Single License: $30
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