Holiday HTML Email Template is specifically designed to help you or your clients to promote a product, send seasons greetings or to just use for your company newsletter during seasonal times. The template comes in 2 flavors, a multi column design with full width header, 3 column, and feature area plus a simple full width version for larger simpler layout. Comes from ThemeForest.
This table based design is fully tested using a 3rd party service for email client compatibility this template is ready for your information to be inserted and sent.
- A multi-column HTML Template
- A full-width HTML Template
- A multi-column HTML Template with included Campaign Monitor Tags
- A full-width HTML Template with included Campaign Monitor Tags
- 7 Quick Edit Photoshop Files For All Elements
- 1 Buttons/ribbons Layered Photoshop File To Create Your Own Buttons etc
- 1 multi-column Layered Photoshop File of the full design
- 1 Help Documentation With Hints and Tips
The templates have been fully tested in all major online and offline email clients. However the display of the template in a specific email client cannot be guaranteed to look the same as any other.
Price: $12
Demo & Release Page | Download theme