Theme Wars : New WordPress Theme Store Launched By Unique Blog Designs

Today, I get a news from UBD, They have announced that UBD have launched of a new WordPress theme store! You know they have  launchs their Affiliate Theme program-Affiliate Theme (Home Page) in march. But know they are have new store, Which is name  Theme Wars (You can visit the site at

Theme Wars

Theme Wars is UBD’s new theme store with a twist. Top designers battle and the community votes for the top WordPress themes.  Every week there will be a “Weekly War” between two themes, and you decide who wins! Luckily for you, we still build both of them!

Theme Wars isn’t your ordinary WordPress theme store. It brings together the community, both blog designers and bloggers, who need a design. Here is how it works:

  1. Each week, any blog designer can submit an entry (his/her original design) into the “Weekly War.”
  2. The Weekly War will be a contest to design a particular type of theme (e.g. magazine, business, etc.) as voted on by the community (via poll) the week before.
  3. The top two designs which the community votes for will be sold in the Theme Store. The winning designers will receive 25% and 10%, respectively, each time their winning design sells.

Winning designers are also permanently invited to produce new themes for Theme Wars and share in the profits.

For designers, the benefits of Theme Wars is an opportunity to earn money by submitting their designs into the Weekly War. Not only will the winning designers receive a percentage of each sale, they will also earn a spot in the “Featured Designers” page, thereby giving them additional marketing and exposure for their brand.

For bloggers, the benefit is access to a wide range of themes from a wide range of different designers. Theme Wars will be truly listening to the feedback of the community via community polls and voting. Bloggers get to vote for the types of designs they would like to see and also the specific theme that the designs will build and sell.

Another, Theme Wars is also going to be completely GPL compliant, which means all of the themes can be used on unlimited websites!

The UBD also have a support forum and resource center packed with tutorials so that ?you can take your blog(s) to a whole new level!  Look at the ThemesPrice, The price at $69 for a multi-use license to $149 for a developer license.

The first war at Theme Wars features the war of the magazine themes. Which one do you like more? Go to Theme Wars and cast your vote now!

Go to visit Theme Wars : New WordPress Theme Store

PS: Unique Blog Designs Theme Wars Discount Coupon Code

Feel free use the new Theme Wars Theme Discount Coupon Code 2FF17EC85B during check out Theme Wars Theme, get 10% OFF any theme or theme subscription.


  1. ColorMatic Theme - 4 Layout Design Premium WordPress Theme From ThemeWars | Web About Theme says:

    […] Theme Wars : is a New WordPress Theme Store Launched By Unique Blog Designs, Which have more great themes, Including personal blog design, magazine/news design, business […]

  2. […] Theme Wars : is a New WordPress Theme Store Launched By Unique Blog Designs, Which have more great themes, Including personal blog design, magazine/news design, business […]