Prospectum theme is a premium business wordpress theme from VivaThemes, Prospectum theme could be used for different purposes, but keeping it clean and serious. The Viva Themes Prospectum WordPress Theme is created to immediately create a sense of confidence to the visitor of the site. Not too crowded with content, but just enough.
Prospectum Theme features:
- Theme compatible with WordPress 2.8
- 100% tableless css design.
- Very lightweight and fast loading theme.
- Easily manageable front page slideshow, with ability to place as many slides as you want, include a description for each slide and ability to link each slide to a different url.
- Widget ready right column and front page bottom bar.
- 2 level page oriented main menu with categories included in the main navigation.
- CSS & XHTML valid.
- Cross-browser compatible.
- Delivered with .png source files (.psd files delivered upon request)
Prospectum Theme $41
VivaThemes All Theme Package $160
Viva Themes Prospectum WordPress Theme
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