Sleektabs is a unbelievable Theme for WordPress that loads all contents dynamically via AJAX and displays this content with a smooth sliding transition without the need to wait until a page is loading. Sleektabs comes with 3 different skins you can choose from: standard, grunge and coffee
- Features:
- Sleek content sliding animation. Sleektabs does NOT limit you like other themes do: the content box adjusts its height automatically so you can load whatever you like. From static pages, to portfolio items to blog entries or categories, Sleektabs can handle everything 😉
- Option of preloading content, linked in the main navigation, for smoother transitions
- 3 Skins to choose from (see Screenshots)
- Unobtrusive Javascript: unlike similar themes Sleektabs does work 100% without javascript, so you can reach people with javascrit turned off as well
- Ajax contact form
- Many more: Valid HTML & CSS , ajaxed comments, widget ready, works in all major browsers (IE6, IE7 , FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome) etc