Google SearchWiki – Make and Personalise your own search results

This is the biggest update to google search service in more than a year. Searchwiki adds a Web 2.0 aspect to the search results, enabling the end-user by contributing to the Wiki and the community aggregation. Internet users can customize their searches by re-ranking, deleting, adding and even commenting on their search results. Users will also can see how others have edited their searches, but the edits will only apply to their personal searches. If you are a webmaster, it would probably be a good idea to leave some good comments about your own pages.

You will need to register for a Google account before you can use the service. If you already have an account for Gmail, AdWords, Analytics, etc, then you can use the same account and start leaving comments on any site you like.

You can reorder the search results by clicking the two light-colored icons next to each listing. The up arrow lets you move a result higher on the page while the delete arrow will remove the result. After you edited the result the icons will turn bright green. You can also leave comments on any listings by clicking the fourth icon and everybody can see the comments you make.

There’s an “Add a result” link at the bottom of the search results page that let’s you add web pages to the search results. There are also links at the bottom of the page to show and restore listings you’ve removed, and to see all other changes and comments made by different users.

SearchWiki is activated by default for the user logged in to a Google account. If you’re logged in to use it , it can remember the exact keyword or phrase when you search them again. Sometimes it may also remember the changes when you search for a very close match. If you are a webmaster, it would probably be a good idea to leave some good comments about your own pages. You would be visible to the searchers if you rank high for any particular keyword, then your website will play a pivotal role in assuring that you stay at top for them.