Automattic Success Purchase Socialization Message Mystem IntenseDebate!

The whole world opens source blog station construction software WordPress parent company Automattic to announce successful purchase socialization message system IntenseDebate officially famous, IntenseDebate is a part of Automattic!

The whole world most receives the blog which welcome to construct a station CMS system WordPress parent company Automattic,the official announcement succeed purchase the socialized message system service IntenseDebate Corporation, will accelerate further WordPress to take the independent media platform the socialization development process. IntenseDebate is a section of subversion tradition concept, and in the non-pure significance’s message system, it has provided the central management and traces oneself message the personalized network service; At the same time, IntenseDebate in the socialized aspect’s achievement is also fruitful, the user may draw support from WordPress the huge Blogger cardinal number as well as the IntenseDebate socialized function becomes friends with in this platform are more and “as meeting of minds” the net friend, and the fast access, subscribes and gains information and so on their blog, social network service as well as individual material. It is reported that the IntenseDebate part socialization function will manifest directly in WordPress in 2.7!
IntenseDebate I has given many attention from the political line initial period, but also purchased before then as global most outstanding CMS system developer Automattic has been similar based on WordPress service Gravatar, BuddyPress as well as conformity Akismet against Spam the plug-in unit; Therefore, IntenseDebate by the Automattic purchase or by the direct conformity to the WP platform is also during the expectation matter finally. Although I do not have the development judgment which takes a long-range approach, but I still thought: Shape like Myspace, Facebook will seal up and half seal socialized website like this will be opened finally by one source, and can have custom-made fully the socialized network procedure will substitute; But the WordPress development direction is lying in this!

I believed that the SNS long-tail’s founder is Automattic is also perhaps, but in China, obviously, non-Kang Shengchuang wants not to be may not.