WordPress 2.6.2 Released& Update your wp-blog

How time flys!Aften half a month ago, the WordPress2.6.2 was released, With Stefan Esser‘s help, warned developers of the dangers of SQL Column Truncation and the weakness of mt_rand(). WordPress officialer worked around these problems and are now releasing WordPress 2.6.2.

If you allow open registration on your blog, you should definitely upgrade.  With open registration enabled, it is possible in WordPress versions 2.6.1 and earlier to craft a username such that it will allow resetting another user’s password to a randomly generated password.  The randomly generated password is not disclosed to the attacker, so this problem by itself is annoying but not a security exploit.  However, this attack coupled with a weakness in the random number seeding in mt_rand() could be used to predict the randomly generated password.  Stefan Esser will release details of the complete attack shortly.  The attack is difficult to accomplish,  but its mere possibility means we recommend upgrading to 2.6.2.

2.6.2 also contains a handful of bug fixes below:

7002 Can’t control where a user redirects to when they log in   defect normal General  
7529 Bug in textpattern import westi defect normal Administration 2.6.1
7600 include mysql version in version check query string ryan enhancement normal General 2.6.1
7614 RSS widget shouldn’t link if there isn’t a link anonymous defect normal General 2.7
7623 get_post_meta fails to unserialize when $single=false ryan defect normal General 2.6.1
7638 typing error in wp-settings.php anonymous defect normal General 2.6.1
7699 comment_max_links causes confusion when zero anonymous defect normal General  
7326 get_posts not working properly pyadav defect high General 2.6
7495 Insert image into post always inserts full size. westi defect high General 2.6.1
7547 Filter news on templates cant work anonymous defect high General 2.6.1
7551 Typo in post revisions anonymous defect high General 2.6.1


Other PHP apps are susceptible to this class of attack.  To protect all of your apps, You should still upgrade to 2.6.2.

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