Father’s Day dates around the world

In my memory, China Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June, however, different countries, Father’s Day do not have the time, Below is a table, Father’s Day dates around the world.

February 23: Russia
March 19: Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain (San Jose)
May 8: South Korea (parents section)
May 28: Germany (Ascension Day)
June 5: Denmark
The first Sunday in June: Lithuania
The second Sunday of June: Austria, Belgium
The third Sunday in June: Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Hong Kong, China, India, Ireland, Japan, China and Macao, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, the Philippines, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, the United States, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
June 20: Bulgaria
June 23: Nicaragua, Poland
July last Sunday: Dominican Republic
September 8: China Taiwan
The second Sunday of September: Brazil
The first Sunday in September: New Zealand, Australia
The second Sunday of November: Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
December 5: Thailand (King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday)

Look for you country,what time is the fathe’s day in your country!

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  1. […] Day Doodle stored in: Life note Each year in June the third Sunday is Father’s Day,<Father’s Day dates around the world>. think what a good Father’s Day gifts sent to the Mody . If I am Xiuse on the number of […]