Do you thinke ot waht types of blogd you will build . The types of blogs you can build are limited only by your imagination and by your willingness to conduct research. For instance, while some bloggers focus on general topics, such as cars, other bloggers narrow the scope of their blogs even further to sub-topics, such as luxury cars or antique cars. From an optimization standpoint, a blog with a narrower scope would likely outperform a blog with a broader scope in terms of conversions or clicks-per-visitor. So, if your goal is to make money, the types of blogs you can build are somewhat limited.
In terms of actual topics for the types of blogs you can build, there are about 9 major areas that are popular for current blogs:
- business
- culture
- community
- politics
- religion
- science
- travel
- online diaries
- and gossip
Most blog directories use similar topical categories to order blogs. I will give my recommendation as a blogger that have been since 2001 with business blogs but in 2005 created this blog as my “baby”. Let’s say that you don’t have any blog right now and you want to start in this Buzz. 🙂 But ,I think I will start my blog Web About Money in business too. hehe