
 Bonus for everyone, Let’s Make More Money With Your Blog.

Bonus for anyone who buy a premium themes or premium plugin other my affiliate links.

And we now give you a free [Unique Article Plugin] as the premium products purchase bonus. You can get the plugin aften buy a premium themes or plugins though our site, But you should contact form for your {Transaction ID and others} to me.

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So i can check you are really buy other my affilaite link ? Then aI will give you the plugin in you Mails.

What is the [Unique Article Plugin]

This plugin will allow you to receive unique articles from the
Unique Article Wizard direclty into your WordPress blog.

So that you can always be publishing
unique content in your article directory, instead of duplicate
content that is subject to the search engines’ duplicate content

A demo site run on the plugin here: Visit:

Wish you can make more money by your blog, Want see my best make money ways:  Best Money Maker  Recommend!


Advertise here:

Want to advertise on, the site Writes about WordPress Themes,Design Resources, Blogging Resources, Web-Hosting and Make Money Online. A best showcase theme site, tell people how to make money and other tips!

My blog is growing fast and I’m determined to make a great job with it. 

Just to show you some statistics  (As of March 31, 2010)

  • RSS subscribers: 110
  • Traffic: More than 400 unique visitors per day!   
  • Total pageviews per day: 900+ 
  • updated everyday

Advertising options:

1. 125×125 side banner (sidebar Like “Sponsors”)


How much: $20/month

2.Sponsored Review
An honest sponsored review of your website will be done of your website with at-least 2 deep-links to your website. It will be stay the front page of the blog for at-least 3 days. Please note that we cannot do biased review.  How much: $50

Payment mode is Paypal  only. Bulk advertising will be considered to discount;