Elegant Themes AskIt WordPress Question & Answers Theme

We’ve been in writen two WordPress Question & Answers Theme before. And now the Elegant Themes released a WordPress Question & Answers Theme too: AskIt WordPress Theme. AskIt that transforms your WordPress blog into a fully-featured question and answer site.

Who Once use the Askit wordpress theme activated a question and answer site, visitors can register and start posting their own questions via our externallyintegratedsubmission and signup form. These questions can then be answered by your visitors, and each answer can be voted on by your visitors to help find the best solution.

Once the author has found an answer to his/her question, he/she can designate it as “correct” for all visitors to see.

Finally, a community atmosphere is fostered via a user rating system. Each of your members will have stats including their total questions answered and how many of these questions were chosen as “correct.” This is displayed in a star rating under the member’s avatar next to all of their answers.

A user with a 4-star rating will hold highauthority within the community. This experience is further enhanced by ajax integration, creating aseamlessposting/voting experience. For more info Askit wordpress theme.

Elegant Themes AskIt WordPress Theme


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AskIt WordPress Theme Features:

  • 7 different color variations.
  • Comments voting system – Visitors can help choose the correct answer by voting answers up/down. Post authors can also deem a single answer as “correct” for each question.
  • user signup/submission – With our external member signup and question submission forms, your visitors will never have to deal with the WordPress dashboard to manage their posts.
  • Member ratings – Each of your members receives a star rating based off their number of correct answers.
  • Automated thumbnail resizing
  • Advertising management

Elegant Themes Club Price: $39 / Year

Download Elegant Themes AskIt WordPress Theme

Are there any other WordPress Question & Answers Theme except Elegant Themes AskIt? Yes, We have such as the Templatic Answers Theme, and the WP-Answers  theme Plugin. If you like use the Drupal CMS, ThemeSnap Questions & Answers Drupal theme must suitable for you!

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