Broadsheet is a premium magazine style wordpress theme from 13styles, designed to bring the style and elegance of a printed newspaper right to your desktop. It places emphasis on your content rather than unnecessary design, expands as you grow, and fully integrates with Twitter.

- Sleek Navigation – Stylish drop-down navigation makes it easy to keep your site organised, no matter how large it grows.
- Twitter Integration – The theme makes it easy to connect to your company Twitter account, streaming updates live to your site.
- Your Homepage – Easily choose how many articles appear on your home page with our easy-to-customize system.
- Sleek and Stylish – Carefully styled every heading, list, quote, and paragraph to make sure that your articles look beautiful.
- Threaded Comments
- Widget Ready
- Feedburner Integration
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Standards Compliant
- 24 Hour Money Back Guarantee
Price: $15
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