Rockstar Presentations 33% Off Discount Code: Rockstar Presentations ebook Download

Rockable Press just released their latest book Rockstar Presentations, Use the Rockstar Presentations discount coupon code, help you save $5 discount code off purchase the Rockstar Presentations book ! The Rockstar Presentations is author Joseph Lewis shares tips, tricks and wisdom on public speaking with no fear, no cue cards and no worries!

Rockstar Presentation Book

Rockstar Presentation

Rockstar Presentations main topics:

 Part 1: Stunning Speeches  (Take your career or your personal brand to the next level, giving presentations.)

Learn what made The Gettysburg Address and Churchill’s “We Shall Fight…” speeches so good, and the simple tips you can learn from them.

  • Public Speaking, in General – This chapter establishes the essentials of a good presentation. You’ll learn how to prepare and how to practice your presentation for a seamless delivery. When the time comes to give your talk, Joseph’s tips will help you avoid stage fright and deliver an exciting presentation.
  • Team Meetings, of the Garden Variety – Moving up at work will probably require you to give presentations to your colleagues. They’re an opportunity to influence the direction of your company – or your clients – and make a great impression if done well.

 part 2: Killer Keynotes (Shares clever and non-intuitive tips for staying calm and in control during your presentations. With enough practice, you’ll start to enjoy yourself, crack jokes, and bond with your audience.)

The huge influence of people like Steve Jobs and Randy Pausch (‘The Last Lecture’) began with their stunning keynote addresses. Learn what makes their talks so effective.

  • Keynote Addresses – You have the opportunity to give a keynote address. This chapter will show you how to embrace this incredible opportunity, wow your audience, and spread your big ideas.
  • The Pitch – Pitching your ideas – or your product – to a room is a nerve-wracking experience. You need to bring your A-game because you may only get one chance at success. In this chapter you’ll learn that a good pitch stands on three legs, and the trick to a good pitch.

The book comes in at $15 and also complete with $15 worth of PowerPoint Templates.

Purchase Rockstar Presentations book packaged!( Only $15)

What you will learn from Rockstar Presentations book:

  • Why everything you’ve heard about avoiding stage fright is wrong
  • How not to fail at PowerPoint
  • The secret techniques separating awesome presenters from the rest
  • How you can use the same strategies employed by Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill to give great presentations

Download the Rockstar Presentations Book
(Complete with $15 worth of PowerPoint Templates worth the price of the book!)

Bonus: Get 3 Great PowerPoint Templates Worth the Cover Price!

A warning on the risks of failing to communicate information properly, focusing on the fascinating story of the Space Shuttle Challenger and Space Shuttle Columbia disasters.

  • Head of the Class – Teaching others is one of the biggest responsibilities we can undertake. If you’re ever given the opportunity to teach, this chapter will give you fundamental tips on how to succeed and leave a lasting impression on your students.
  • Conclusion & Bonus Chapter: PowerPoint Pointers – In this special bonus chapter you’ll learn the PowerPoint pitfalls to avoid – from fancy footers, to washed out watermarks, to adding too much text. Joseph gives you five simple rules to follow instead.

Rockable Press Rockstar Presentations Discount Code

Use our so can purchase the Rockable Press Rockstar Presentations Book, Only $15.

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Rockstar Presentations Author : Joseph Lewis

Joseph Lewis is a regular contributor to, and has over ten years of experience in publishing for government, defense, health care, and technology firms, He has also written articles about business presentations, office politics, and other humorous subjects.