PriMoThemes Super CMS (8 in 1) Theme features two Image Sliders. Packaged with (8) different color variations. Business Blue ( default ), Hunter Green, Shades Of Beige, Black And Beige, Brown And Green, Purple And Green, Purple And Blue, and Red And Blue. Both can hold up to 10 images each. The Home Page Image Slider is larger, Both Sliders come with advanced Theme Options.
Super CMS WordPress Theme Features:
- A full comprehensive Options Panel comes integrated into WordPress® for this theme.
- A lightbox system has been pre-integrated into this theme.
- This theme supports easy-column layouts, full page layouts, sidebar layouts, and over 100 CSS Utility Class combinations.
- Six different Page Templates are included.
- The horizontal Navigation Menu at the top of this theme supports an unlimited nested hierarchy.
- There are two widgetized bars for this theme.
- Threaded comment discussions, full-page layouts, easy-columns, CSS utility classes, and some fancy shmancy Theme Options on the back-end of WordPress®.
- integrated with Facebook®, Twitter®, LinkedIn®, and AddThis®.
- Built on our rock solid framework for WordPress® powered websites & blogs.
- Compatible up to WordPress® 2.9
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