I finally decided to fulfill my dreams and start my own company! Now I’m the proud owner of a small business offering a great product. Like many just starting out, I had a very limited marketing budget and was struggling to reach potential customers. I just couldn’t generate enough sales to take my business to the next level. Then a good friend introduced me to a proven online marketing tool called GetResponse that lets me email as many prospects as I can handle for a very reasonable price. It’s true – I can create unlimited campaigns and follow-up messages – all for the same low price!
I had read somewhere that email marketing is more effective than other, pricier tools, but I never dreamed I could learn to use it so quickly! Now I’m definitely not computer savvy, but in just 20 minutes, I had set up my first email marketing campaign and scheduled newsletters and follow-up messages for months ahead – all automatically. I didn’t have to worry about looking professional either! GetResponse provides over 300 gorgeous Email templates so I’ll never have to spend money for a graphic designer again (unless I want to!).
After the first few campaigns, I began to realize that prospects wanted to see my products in action before making a purchase. Once again, GetResponse came to the rescue! With GetResponse Multimedia Studio, I can easily record and send high-impact video product demos with my messages, all with no added software or expense. The result has been awesome – response rates have doubled, even tripled! Customers feel like they know me and trust me and my products enough to buy them. And if tastes or budgets change, no worries! GetResponse lets me survey prospects and customers as often as I want to help me to stay ahead of the competition.
The best part is you can try it for free – there’s absolutely no risk. So don’t let your concerns about cost or learning curves keep you from trying GetResponse. If you can email, you can use this amazing marketing service! And don’t you owe it to yourself to realize your full earnings potential?
You’ve heard a little about my email marketing success. If you’re looking for Affordable, Media-Rich Email Marketing Solutions, I strongly recommend GetResponse!