ElegantThemes Bold Premium WordPress Theme

ElegantThemes Bold Theme is a photo blog magazine premium WordPress theme, The theme combines heavy textures, sketches and bold typography to form a strong but fun theme, loose sketchy qualities and heavy textures. Bold features a robust set of theme options, as well as 5 unique color schemes. With it’s unique and playful style, Bold will surely help your blog stand out from the crowd.

Bold Theme Features:
1. Three Widget Ready Areas – The theme comes with three widget ready areas, including the main sidebar, the homepage inside sidebar and the footer.

2. Five Unique Color Schemes – Bold comes with 5 color variations to choose from, including Red, Green, Blue, Purple and Turquoise. You can switch between color schemes at any time via the Bold Theme Options page.

 3. Optional Blog-style Post Layout – If you don’t like the default layout, which automatically truncates posts and creates a preview, you can opt for the Blog-style post layout which displays your posts in full.

4. Theme Options – Bold includes a robust theme options page with all of the features you have come to expect from ElegnatThemes.

Theme Price: $19.95

Demo & Release Page | Buy Now!

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