Free WordPress Theme: Black Dragon WordPress Theme

The Black Dragon free WordPress theme was designed for the money making internet mogul.  The layout allows plenty of media space while keeping your most important website real estate available for Black Dragons, which are your AdSense ads.

The Black Dragon Is A Ferocious Beast

After some testing, I noticed I was getting an abnormally high click through percentage.   Could that have been a coincidence?  Perhaps, all things considering.  But, after I’d flattened down the color scheme my click through has since been watered down to a more pleasing percentage.  A less scary percentage.  But a better then average percentage.

In it’s most ferocious color, the Black Dragon’s teeth are razor sharp and your AdSense breathes fire like it did back in it’s prime.  Do you want to believe?  The only way is to prove it to yourself.

Hey, Wait A Minute…

Oh, but you’re now wondering about that ferocious color scheme I decided not to include.  Well, I’m not kidding when I say it outperforms this color scheme.  And about that ferocious color scheme?  There has to be a sequel.  Why?  Because I’m like you.  I’m trying to make a success of my online endeavors.  This  means creating a drawn out romance of my work that you might enjoy.

Cut The Drama And Hype And  Give Me Some Straight Talk Fool

All dramatic entrances aside, this is my first WordPress theme.  It was built on top of one of Brian Gardner’s open sourced themes which made it a pleasure to design.  The code is clean and there are some built in options that make blogging more intuitive then guess work.

Thank you for downloading!

Download  Demo

After you’ve download the Black Dragon theme it’s a good idea to read up on the installation. It might look tricky but really the Black Dragon isn’t too much to master.  Become her master and she’ll breathe fire.