New WordPress Plugin Releases After 01/10

No Update :Got a version of a plugin that you want to stick with? Don’t want to upgrade? Want to kill that upgrade nag on the plugins page? “No Update” is for you.

wpNSC (Not Short Code): Allows shortcodes to be escaped. Very useful for plugin authors who need to write documentation for their plugin on their blog.

o-x Badge:Help your readers to reduce your posts links sizes. It’s like TinyUrl with stats.

AWeber Integration:This plugin provides a simple way to add one or more AWeber to your sidebar and optionally enable AWeber email web analytics for your website.

Page SEO:Display Google Pagerank of each page of your blog in one page.

Limit Login Attempts :Limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP.

Stack Overflow “GamerTag” Style Reputation Widget :XBox Live “GameTag” style widget for displaying your Stack Overflow rep.

Easy Multiple Pages: This plugins adds an button in the post editor that allows you to easily split post by pages and also adds link to pages in the post automaticly.

Gloss :A simple plugin that allows you to create a number of glossaries to add terms to.

WP DB Optimizer:Optimize your WordPress database tables with one click.

Thumb Finder :It’s purpose is to replace the Image function currently used in your theme with one that is lot more clever. With these new functions available you can do everything from a randomly select an image, or return a URL or IMG tag source specifically for that post.

Tweetbacks This plugin imports those tweets about your posts as comments. You can display them in between the other comments on your blog, or display them separately.

Anti-AdBlock:This plugin displays a notification message to visitors with AdBlock on, humbly asking them to turn it off.

Session Manager : A Plugin to give the administrators some simple page hit stats that aren’t at all confusing.

SB Child List:A Plugin to introduce some shortcodes to use on parent pages which give dynamic information on it’s children

Custom Excerpts :Custom Excerpts allows you to create a custom excerpt length, choose HTML tags to allow and whether to make the link nofollow or dofollow.

WP My Twitter :Display your Twitter Tweets on your blog.

DB Cache :The fastest cache engine for WordPress, that produces cache of database queries with easy configuration.